Thursday, September 9, 2010
Its all away
in and out of doubt
you have to wash your face
your hands they have grown weak
and pain binds you...
just to release fear in me
who are we?
when night ends and our flaws are revealed
our hearts scream... is it true do you love me the same in light?
shame we hide again
but he has found a way into who we are
next to me there you are
in my loneliness is your soundless love
there i see you die
again and again
there you die
again and again
just to wish
my pain away
my fear away
my shame away
but i remain
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Stranger in The Mirror
I didn't see me...
I saw some stranger
the stranger on they other side was Different
his hair has faded
his skin was cracked
and i cant breath the same air he does
yet we run into each other everyday
i cant hear his voice and he doesn't seem to think
he just looks at me as if he was surprised to see me again
yet excited
daily.. i walk into the room to see him looking at me
his eyes content if he saw someone he knew and wanted to say hello
but confused because he's shocked that i dont seem to remember him
im confused as well..
because reflections speak the same words
yet he has none!
and because im told that reflection is me
but he isn't
when i saw him in the mirror
i didnt see me
i saw a stranger.. a stranger that im not
but a stranger i will become
because when i die to myself
that stranger will be me
whoever he is
Thursday, July 29, 2010
in the end...
to drown in the sorrow is nothing complex.. its just drowning
here pain is like waking up.. it will happen to you sooner or later
here's a pen and here's my paper
whiting down words so you could taste or savor
but they're to bitter for your liking...
...and sometimes when life is empty
we live in pain but at least we can breath
because drowning is easy 'cuz your already down here
nothings clear
and we could fear life
but not when your near this edge
my wings are free, free from you
deeper and deeper you've scratched me to watch me bleed
burned me alive, tossed me away just to watch me scream
can you see me when day turns to night
here we sit in the dark with you
can you feel the day slip into night
here we sit with our solitude
(not done)
Monday, March 29, 2010
Door Slam
cold and lonely room
locking him away
he's a shade of blue painted over Grey
He asked himself if this was the way to go
bleeding is a dream all inside its own...
here the knife has kissed his burning skin
falling is not sleep, death was there to win
so secretly he became insane ...
"simple little freak life was never sane"
spinning around and then upside down
drinking to live but life was never found
Shhh...There's a room
cold and lonely room
locking him away
Monday, January 18, 2010
Saturday, December 15, 2007 Sometimes
Sometimes i forget im here
stuck in this so called life
i cry to forget it all
but like yesterday
still and blue
i look up at the sky
and only see you
alone and cold
like the moon
Soflty shining it was out of the dark
yeah ...I just got bored
so how is the world today confused and ...i dont know
just feel out of place ....
well bye
Friday, August 03, 2007 Not A Suicide Note
Not A Suicide Note
By Jimmy Lopez
What do we do when it's all said and done
do we runaway or stay to only find out we're unimportant
The week is over and all I can feel is falling apart
It all seems unreal
To fall asleep and awaken in the arms or sorrow
whats the point in waking up right?
If I forget how to smile
I can look back into the past
Whos to help a person like me
Who has the time to mend somthing this broken?
You think all you have to do is listen
...Tell It lies...
...Say what it wants to hear...
okay ..One = Himself
Me alone like always
we all fuck up some more then others
but we all know our fuck ups
Here Listen to this
Drugs = Happiness
Cuts = Stressless
Death = Peace
When scars remind us that you know nothing but saddness
makes it seem like pain is our Best Friend
I guess what i'm saying is that
whos "real" anymore
Real Friend, Person, Whatever
All my life I've been stuck with people who dont give a damb about me
and I'm done being used
sometimes I dont want "friends"
cuz I dont like being left Behind
but maybe they dont leave me behind maybe I just can't keep up
but then again maybe they dont want me to
maybe the only reason they move or go so fast is because they got sick of me
To tell you the truth sometimes i think this is all just bad dream
but why am i still waiting for the day i wake up
Have you ever thought that maybe when we "Die" or "Pass Away"
we're not dead we just woke up from a Nightmare
I Want To Wake Up From Mine
The Perfect Nobody
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
all poems by Jimmy Lopez
He Peeks Through the darkness
to make me Bleed with his eyes
His hands can't touch me
But I still Scream
His face frozen still breaths behind my neck
and he paints me dead with his soul
Still There
Life a Childs innocence
I'm afriad of the thought of you...
to leave me when i need you
thats never somthing new
A Story Of Me...
In Hope for a happy ending
taken over by my solitude
why not keep pretending still there...
Tuesday, July 08, 2008 Just Me
It comes to save me when im sad, But like a emotionless poem
word written down to express nothing but a upside down smile
get pretty old
"Im Home?"
so if i breath in a place were no one wants you there anymore
is it a place worth staying ?
here i sleep on a bed thats hatefully given to me
a room to lock their guilt away
and to make me smile i stay away
were only i can say im good enough
were i know that love will be given to me
It Come to save me when im sad, But like a day in the rain to cry so no one know im upset i stay
in the rain to forget how much i hate you....
Man this was some random stuff!
Monday, July 21, 2008 I Guess I’ll Learn "To Say Goodbye"
To Say GoodBye
I fear the day the day I smile
I know by now how to handle pain
but the game of happiness is a whole new level
when that blissful moment comes to an end how will I cope
and learn to loose that friend
"I'll miss you"
When your gone
and knowing you know as much as you do
…will I be just another story to add to your list
I'll find a moment a moment of hate
just to hate you
just to make that goodbye
... easy easier ...
will you loose as much sleep as I will
or are you looking forward for that day to come to an end
and sleep again in your old life before you came
If it hurts this much right now to think about it
I don't want to know how much it'll hurt that day…
I barley know you my friend
…Can I even call you one if that's so?
But I don't to say goodbye
I don't want to see another one go
But I guess I'll learn to say goodbye again
The Perfect Nobody
Tuesday, September 02, 2008 Time
Time consumes me to a still moment
Were everything stays the same just to help me cope
To make me believe I'll be okay for good now
Because time increases hope
They always say they'll be there
But really time changes hope
Left in that moment alone
Do I really need anyone anymore?
I rather leave say goodbye first
Before I have to pretend that I wont miss you
That I'm okay now
That I'll be fine cause I know your always going to be there
But I'm not
Misunderstanding everything…
How was this life was supposed to be lived?
And were did I turn wrong now
What do I end up doing to hurt this much again
I HATE this fake smile plastered on my face
With just one look back and no feeling to help replace
The thought of you
I'll watch the sunset go
But unlike everything else I know It'll come back soon
…but will I
Should I really stay and see if time will change everything again
Or go some were new leave everything behind
And start over
Everyone needs a fresh start at one point in their life…right?
Or do we have to deserve it?
I cant take this anymore
Just want to change everything
Before time gets to it first and claws my heart and helps it bleed
Monday, September 22, 2008 Dont Know Why
Dont Know Why
In time i cry under the day
I try to sleep emtpy minded
Slowly finding how to forget all of you
Theres no more sun, I burn in your lie
Hidden inside the moon, how will I survive
Persevering everything
but try to forget your existence
and the new feeling I experience
just break me in half
I lay down to cry even more
to rethink everything inside these thoughts
do you really care?
its been awhile I know
but how come I feel so empty out of no were
we all think life is easy as soon time start ticking
we don't think its the same anymore is it?
taking every step even slower
so i dont fall from the motion
that life brings me and bring all you
but i cant stand alone
but i dont want you to
should i stand in alone
detach from all you...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 GoodNight...
-By Jimmy
so many day I cry myself to sleep
and I dream to deep so some light I could see
inside all these thoughts is no more me...
its just a me I never get to see in life
...I can't speak to you, just to speak now
but I can wish for somthing new...yet nothings new
Nothings like you staying when I needed you the most
A weekend changed everything....
They say time heals and empty soul
yet I still lay in emptiness....
they also say I'll be fine because the day is almost over
yet the only difference in a day is when I say goodnight
Goodnight is the only difference between today and yesterday
and I still stay to watch the sunset inside you....
and memories still kill me slowly
even though they mean everything to me
It hurts when I hear you now....
I dont want to hurt myself again...
...So should I say goodbye
then sleep in my sheltered heart
The only thing I have left thats mine...
Busyness soon will take over you to
like time has no time for anyone
I lay under your sun
this last time
Saturday, September 27, 2008 No Point In September
No Point In September -By Jimmy Empty thoughts of claritySpin back time and I seem to forget Everything I once understoond Turn black ... When this sentence disappear do you still know what I feel when dark consumes all of me can you read whats between the lines Ive written more then once? ... I've learn that nothing last forever And I'm still inside september ...I fall, turn gray, and fade ... and like every leaf falling I feel the wind push me down along them I fall down aswell |
Wednesday, October 08, 2008 With Closed Eyes
With Closed Eyes
-By Jimmy
I awaken in a dream to never want to sleep
Twisted nightmares go flat
but never make me runaway
yet still I turn and look back
such a waste of time...
your words flow as if they were mine
repeating simple sentences
and still I fake this smile
to me, to you
This day ends, my door shuts
My eyes rain like the sky in an April storm
and these thought I over think blindly
stay stuck and unexposed
I drown and sink under them
And still my eyes are closed
Thursday, October 16, 2008 Nothing Is Something
Nothing Is Something
Holding on to everything slowly slipping away
their words leak like water when they got something to say
now even they've become half empty as well
Nothing in this world can understand this complex pain
Hard like a rock I fall on my knees
I pray to my god to take me now please…
Yet I still sleep a few hours and awaken with
this heart beat
I sink under my thoughts, it gets harder to breath
and they can't see how far they pushed me down this time
It's always me
I'm wrong in my understanding
and maybe got no clue
but how can you say one thing
and got the home I'm still looking for
Lets face the truth you aren't forever either…
Saturday, October 25, 2008 UnTitled Current
Step by step by step
Just another walk in the park
The sun embraced me for a while
Yet still I felt so cold
And the breeze felt like your whisper
hidden in my cry
But now I can't even smile
it's affected by your lie
Ticking with the time
I sit around to wait
But everything to me comes of or seems so fake
Now pending for a moment
To believe and trust in you
But you've been absent for so long now
And just like everyone else that's never something new
The ending of October
Were the stars dim from blue to black
faded memories are no longer welcomed
I know I miss but won't allow to come back
Here I stay and linger
Around the clear light ring of the moon
I hope to someday find home
Sunday, October 26, 2008 A Blind Promise
A Blind Promise
Spoken words fade back to blue
When day ends and October cries white tears
You don't notice your unspoken lies
Left cold
Daylight seem so different
When it rest in your eyes
Nothing seems truthful
When you left this time
And I still miss old sentences
You said by night
Goodnight again
Unnoticed tears hidden in the dark
What's there to call mine
When you said you wouldn't forget
But you've forgotten
Another Blind Promise
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 Remember Thursday
Remember Thursday
I can remember the last real conversation we had
Where day was ending into silent dreams
But it was okay because you said
Where heart ace shimmered in the sky
And counted plains took them high
To help me forget I'm alone
And I add these several tears to the lake below
Where everyone's sorrow drowns alive
And I'll be okay because you said so
But I'm not
In public time disappears
As countless cars race by
In hope to push my pain in front of them
But that pain is mine
And that's my life
But it was okay that day
And I remember our last conversation we had
Where day ended into silent dreams
But it was okay because you said
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 134 Words That Made No Difference
134 Words That Made No Difference
You're a whisper in August
Or an echo lost in thought
You faded before September
And obviously you forgot
I'm still alone in darkness
And this light is so dim
Now we're inside November
And our friendship has gone slim
When day ends, yes I miss you
Yet that won't change one thing
And before this day hits night soon
I already feel that sting
Life calls it a moment
My mind did also to
And yet you were only temporary
Lost in the full moon
And now I lay here coping
Because that's all I can do
Memories of all the good times
Are all that's left of you
And yes I still miss you
But that wont change one thing
And you remind me of last year
When I lost everything.
Friday, November 14, 2008 Time In Half
Time In Half -Jimmy Split moment to remind myself They never understood And it's still only a moment That I'm sure time only took
When today happen slowly Let's cut you off of here
I don't need anyone near this Simple sepia colored tone of my day
You never seen the changes Of my sky no longer blue
So I don't find a reason To want to see you soon
Even if a moment is left for me, for you Your sorry isn't anything If you didn't know what to do
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 I'm Always Brought Back
winter can break a smile
calm the sun
make the wind blow
cold kisses frostbite my
long to love hope
and I choose to look down again
My eyes are blinded from anything that could be good
its like fear rushed back to block everything...
I once again misunderstood
Everything or forever means nothing and also temporary
now the sweetness of night its false romance
of how beautiful starts shine like tears of joy
remind me to for some odd reason not smile upon the memories
I've learned to timidly cherish openly
and now I stay here to only try to fall in love with my solitude I'd truly like to abandon
Saturday, December 20, 2008 (Do I) Have to Go...
Have To Go -Jimmy L.
Could I stay a bit longer to see the world pass thru this window My problems seem much smaller when they're unseen
Don't you think so?
When Wednesday arrives I know life's not still But I feel empty inside… And what emotion do I have left to kill?
I look over and over at the time 10 minutes have passed And I still don't want to leave
I know this aint home But I feel okay right here And even if no ones near I don't worry if the days not clear
Could I stay a bit longer to see this world pass thru these windows?
Monday, December 22, 2008 Dare To Hope
Dare To Hope
-Jimmy LopeZ
Word by word
I read the emotional poem inside your sentence
Its began with a joke, I couldn't smile
And ended with a mild rain fall
Cut in half
Just like my Hope I sometimes close
You dare us to open back those doors
But I still couldn't write inside your journal
Your name was lost inside mine a long time ago
And now the days go by so slow
I rather sleep then cry Hopelessly
But I still Hope for a better day around December
And when I can't seem to remember the good in life
I still Dare to Hope…
Monday, December 22, 2008 Dare To Hope
Dare To Hope
-Jimmy LopeZ
Word by word
I read the emotional poem inside your sentence
Its began with a joke, I couldn't smile
And ended with a mild rain fall
Cut in half
Just like my Hope I sometimes close
You dare us to open back those doors
But I still couldn't write inside your journal
Your name was lost inside mine a long time ago
And now the days go by so slow
I rather sleep then cry Hopelessly
But I still Hope for a better day around December
And when I can't seem to remember the good in life
I still Hope…
Sunday, December 28, 2008 Im Still Here
Im Still Here
-By Jimmy Lopez
I can't see through the blur of my tears
Blinding me for so long now
I've forgotten how the world looks like
And I count cars passing this bus stop
Why am I alone today?
Look at their smiles and also their eyes
They don't cry in this morning
But mine do…
They drive away all of them go somewhere
But I'm still here
And I try to believe that solitude is they place to be
On days like today
But I don't believe
And it's no dream but I can't sleep
When I'm already listening to my owns cries
You can't hear
But it's no time for sleep
I'm Still here waiting at this bus stop
I have no place to be
I hope you have a Merry Christmas
And please if you pass by me
Don't say those words to me
Just because I'm still here
Monday, December 29, 2008 But Then I Said I’m Sorry?
But Then I Said Im Sorry? And he breaths his air calmly
I slowly begin to not care as well
I'm okay in this darkness because you placed me here And now that "I'm settled " You're no where near
But I wont miss you when were face to face And I hold this secret locked in place Yet I said "I'm Sorry"?
There's more then scared in this phrase But I seem to do everything wrong I'm the one who always seems to change That's what you claimed
Under your sentence was less then what you call truth And I said "I'm Sorry"
When you claimed you were trying to be there But were more then just absent And can't even realize it yourself
But I was the only one who was sorry… |
Monday, December 29, 2008 They’re There In...
They're There In... -by Jimmy Lopez
Silent whispers hold this cry Eyes look inside my soul but I still wont tell Close my mouth to shush you but even if I were to want to Reading my lips is not simple… Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine… Someday
Are there more then one…yes Rolling tong my words can't spill Every thought is mine to feel and so I do
Throwing hints in every poem Here's the biggest one Every star had a promise they couldn't keep Regretting their actions Everyday
I've done nothing wrong Nothing but if you want to know…
There it is in the second to last word Here I lay in pain again because of the silent words I'm Sorry
Waterfall of emotions fall from my eyes Over flooded my passion to want to live…but I do Regret Drowning in these thoughts of You… |
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 Selfishly Me
-Jimmy Lopez
How can you say such words
you dont know how much you've been the reason
to why I hate myself now
both of you dont understand how much I'd love to bleed alseep
and now "I love you" is a joke
Yes, Im sorry for wasting our time
but you'll never know how much it hurts to awaken in a place so dim
and my hope now has gone frail and slim
I'm sorry for worrying for myself and "being selfish"
When all I really got is me
I'm the little bit of home I got left
life loves you both of you I don't got much to worry for
Time has helped you become strong
but all you do still is say I'm wrong
Your voice is a curse to my heart
The great, life keeps getting on your part
Brings me to the title you've given me...
but whos really being selfish in the dark?
Thursday, January 01, 2009 Secret Suicide
Current mood:
Category: Writing and Poetry
About This Poem: it's just about feeling dead from the inside and not feeling like yourself anymore without anyone knowing you've in a way given up on yourself and your will to care. its not about killing yourself but about being lost inside that thought and the "what ifs"
Secret Suicide
-By Jimmy Lopez
Im not dead but
I fell in this liquid darkness
and drown within my own words
It dares me to Breath this pain
deeper then my bones
It calls me
Forms an hour so dark and near to death
I'd touch those razor kisses
but it leaves my heart a mess
I'd bleed within two minutes
away, I'd fade away
But I chose to believe in Someday
yet inside there's still no way
That eyes would open clearly
and dawn I'd want to see
and now im not even Me...
Saturday, January 03, 2009 Why Did I Say Hello?
Why Did I Say Hello?
-By Jimmy Lopez
Words looked for you in real life
Its a way to say "yes"
I've spoken to you Face to face
In a black and white format
But I couldn't fine you
I wanted to...
Just to feel alive again
Just to have someone to turn to
But I don't need this everyday hello at the same time
And It's not ever going to be the same
Even though today it felt like it
Its just one day
But Im sorry
I don't even know who you are anymore
Your voice sounds someone other then yourself
And its not you I see even if I were to look hard enough
And look deeper then the surface of your hello
Its not the same
So why did I say hello?
Wednesday, January 07, 2009 I Dont Care
About The Poem: This poem is about just being anger and letting people know you wont let them walk all over you ect...
its also about not being afriad to show everyone and anyone that you can stand up for yourself.
I Dont Care
-By Jimmy Lopez
Soundless footsteps marched into my mind
But I never knew I could be that person
Its an anger that builds deep inside and today
it help me stop the tears from flowing
my anger thru words that for some odd reason
made me walk outside my heart
they cheer for the bad
and in that state I'm not sad or disappointed
I'm just the me I never knew I was
Its like a sting of hope in a rotten stage
helps me hold my head up high but a bit enraged
but I'm still me
tears don't rain
and being walked all over will and cant ever happen
its also a way to let yourself believe in false respect
but that's better then nothing…
Monday, January 12, 2009 Dear God
but I decided to turn it into a poem
HOPE you like it ...
-By Jimmy Lopez
Mindless music sway my feet to the corner of my memories
It bleeds with the pulse of my heart to create its own beat of a time where I'm able to see where I belonged
Oh how I'd long to reach the fingertips of your truth
and seek an even deeper life with you
Its a hallway of scripture coded in the dark
could you brighten the words I haven't read
Help me feel alive again
Its to cold out to not notice the numbness of today
because only you see how false my happiness still is as I lay to sleep for tomorrow
Wednesday, September 03, 2008 Like The Day
Like TheDay
-By Jimmy Lopez
Why are my views like this again?
I know I'm not the only one in this position
But somehow I know I'm alone
My heart is heavy and spirit cold
Hunger to keep going slipping away
As time slows down even more
And this light, small light dimming
Reminding me it'll turn off soon
Nothing last forever
Just a reflection of the past
Like a scratch CD skipping
To replay the same thing over and over
Till it turns off
How do I turn off the noise inside my head?
A lonely bus ride home
Were everything is only temporary
I still have the guts to look outside the window
And I start to rain with the sky
To scream with the thunder
Don't want to live...
And die with the storm
Yet my one wish won't come true
Why are some of us picked to hurt this much?
And almost everyday simply sucks
Because in my world wind of thoughts
Struggling to brush the hairs of time off my face
And to try to shelter my every last bit of hope to this earthquake
To only give up, surrender to the pounds of life
So sharp like a steal razor that use to kiss my skin
Were to begin my unspoken story
To the beat I'd like to someday fade out of a lie
Inside my happinessTuesday, January 13, 2009-I AM JIMMY LOPEZ
ABOUT THIS POEM: THIS POEM IS ABOUT WHO I AM IN A WAY By: Jimmy Lopez Just me, myself and I I'm a kid lost in a world full of strangers Most of them I don't know Most of them I don't want to know Yet I always wonder who they are, who they might be Lost inside a possibility Only to remember I'm nobody but me Please don't forget me as December ends Everyday I fight with my Mind crazy like an animal locked in the Zoo I rather stay in stillness So calm like my old spirit My mind wonders off again Everyday I dream of paradise |
Sunday, February 08, 2009-Understanding
This music plays a song
whispering its silent memories
It speak to you and me
like midnight walks to dawn
and I begin to sing your quiet song
...take me with you...
like the day
I give away the reasons to hate myself
visible like morning
I cry to you
walking towards your everlasting love
I try to understand
the footsteps It takes to really look like you...
he was silent but the pencil did all the screaming
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy
The Length of Time February 20, 2009 long
they seem to carry on
like a song so old you cannot stand
like a moment way to cruel it never ends
They stay...
They stay to watch me fall in love with dawn
though they know I want the mornings light and sun
but day, It only saddens and night it bitters me
stuck right in the between
when will you be able to see
That days are timed moment in our lives
Page One March-10-09
I press soft on this clear page full of silent lines
soon to scream my truth as of today
and I thank you in this sentence
It's the only way I know how
But I'm still unsure about what I should feel...
It's another way to ask myself if your real
and I don't know....
Do I even want too?
Its the first page...
Page one
and I don't know what to say
My mind is cluttered in every way
but there's still and urge to say "Thank you"
So I Thank you in secret