Like TheDay
-By Jimmy Lopez
Why are my views like this again?
I know I'm not the only one in this position
But somehow I know I'm alone
My heart is heavy and spirit cold
Hunger to keep going slipping away
As time slows down even more
And this light, small light dimming
Reminding me it'll turn off soon
Nothing last forever
Just a reflection of the past
Like a scratch CD skipping
To replay the same thing over and over
Till it turns off
How do I turn off the noise inside my head?
A lonely bus ride home
Were everything is only temporary
I still have the guts to look outside the window
And I start to rain with the sky
To scream with the thunder
Don't want to live...
And die with the storm
Yet my one wish won't come true
Why are some of us picked to hurt this much?
And almost everyday simply sucks
Because in my world wind of thoughts
Struggling to brush the hairs of time off my face
And to try to shelter my every last bit of hope to this earthquake
To only give up, surrender to the pounds of life
So sharp like a steal razor that use to kiss my skin
Were to begin my unspoken story
To the beat I'd like to someday fade out of a lie
Inside my happiness